Yael Kareth

Leibinger Professor of Transcultural Music Education and Music Mediation

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The Barenboim-Said-Akademie (BSA) is a state-recognized and funded private music academy whose students mainly come from the Middle East and North Africa. In 2024, the Leibinger Professorship for Transcultural Music Education and Mediation was added to the diverse range of courses on offer.

Students of the Barenboim-Said Academy in the Pierre Boulez Saal; © Peter Adamik

About the person

Yael Kareth is a pianist, educator, content creator - and the new Professor of Transcultural Music Education and Outreach at the Barenboim-Said Academy in Berlin. She previously worked at the Israeli Opera and is a founding member of the Israeli chamber project, a chamber music ensemble with which she regularly performed and taught in Israel.

She specializes in lecture concerts in which she creates intercultural connections between different artistic media.

Peter Adamik

Music as a bridge between people and nations

Convinced of the important role of music in society and politics, encouraged by her mentor Maestro Daniel Barenboim, it is her wish and intention to integrate music into the public sphere - as a universal way of building bridges between people and nations.

"The newly established Leibinger Professorship for Transcultural Music Education and Music Pedagogy aims to equip young musicians with new ideas and skills that will help them become creative leaders in our dynamic cultural environment. Through its generous support, the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung enables this innovative and original professorship to grow and gives it the means to put into practice values such as artistic entrepreneurship, openness, social awareness and activism to nurture the next generation of cultural ambassadors." (Yael Kareth)
Peter Adamik

Complex societies require more comprehensive training of musicians

Today, it is no longer enough to simply be able to play well - in her view, today's artists should take on a greater, more diverse role as cultural "entrepreneurs" in diverse and complex societies. Yael Kareth therefore sees it as her task as a professor to give young, talented musicians the chance to broaden their intellectual horizons, to live out their creativity and to develop skills that will strengthen their future prospects as professional musicians. For her, therefore, the use of written and digital media is a natural part of teaching classical music content. This includes, for example, an ongoing podcast series with BSA students.