Days for
Literary speaking
As part of its cultural funding activities, the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung is supporting this year's Tage für Literarisches Sprechen from September 19 to 22, 2024, a project of the Spokenword working group of Netzwerk Lyrik e. V. in cooperation with the Akademie für gesprochenes Wort.
The festival of the "spoken word scene" in Stuttgart
The Days for Literary Speaking will bring together some of the best minds from the spoken word scene and literary world from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Stuttgart. They will show what contemporary spoken literature can do - and debate what it should be and what it is.
The success and innovative power of spoken literature can be seen in the undiminished appeal of poetry slams and spoken wordevents, especially to young audiences, as well as in the trend towards performative poetry and sound poetry.
The "Spokenword" working group has been meeting within the poetry network since 2020 with the aim of making spoken literature visible as an independent artistic practice, partially decoupling it from the poetry slam and improving its production conditions and expanding its scope for action.