Funding line
Theater in public space

The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung supports charitable institutions with the aim of creating and preserving a rich cultural landscape. In the area of culture, we support the "Theater in Public Spaces" genre in particular with a separate funding line in the "Spoken Language and Literature" section.

Theater in public space
Theater in public spaces creates interventions in urban and rural areas. The unusual locations and the often situational opportunities for interaction with the audience make it possible to reach new target groups. In addition, the theater also opens itself up to people's everyday lives and can thus, not least, question and scrutinize established and usually barely reflected everyday practices, ways of acting and seeing as well as viewing and perception habits together with the audience.
The space is therefore far more than just a backdrop: The audience can be sensitized and activated in a special way to socio-political issues through theatrical interventions in the respective space of the everyday.
According to its federal association, Theater im öffentlichen Raum covers a wide range of performance forms. The funding line explicitly refers to formats with a focus on "theater and language". Hybrid forms that deal with language as such are also eligible to apply.

Tender round
In the area of culture, the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung focuses on projects in the field of international understanding, democracy and the culture of remembrance. It is therefore a central concern of the foundation to create spaces for reflection in which the growing and increasingly publicized anti-Semitism and anti-democratic tendencies in our society can be addressed.
With this year's call for proposals for the "Theatre in Public Spaces" funding line, it would now like to promote democracy-strengthening theater interventions in public spaces that have a clearly recognizable connection to the topics of Jewish life in Germany today, civil courage and the culture of remembrance.
Almost 80 years after the end of the Second World War, only a few survivors of the Shoah still bear witness to the National Socialist dehumanization inflicted on them and can raise awareness for democratic coexistence. It is therefore important to find new ways of communicating so that such acts of fascist violence never happen again.
Order of Events
Application Period
Die Bewerbungsfrist für die Förderlinie „Theater im öffentlichen Raum“ ist zum 26. November 2024 ausgelaufen. Es werden derzeit keine weiteren Bewerbungen angenommen.
Selection Process
An advisory board will advise the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung in February 2025 on the selection of suitable projects.
Applicants will be notified in writing by the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung following the advisory board meeting.

Die Ausschreibung ist am 26. November 2024 abgelaufen.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Folgende Vorhaben werden in der Förderlinie unterstützt:
Aus allen Einreichungen auf die Ausschreibung wurden fünf Projekte prämiert, die 2025 zur Aufführung kommen.
Die ausgewählten Stücke beschäftigen aus aktuellem Anlass mit den Themen Jüdisches leben heute in Deutschland, Zivilcourage und Erinnerungskultur.. Dabei wurden Formate gefunden, die auch ein kulturfernes Publikum erreichen können, da sich viele Menschen durch die ungewöhnlichen Orte und die direkte Aktion mit dem Publikum angesprochen fühlen.
Akademie für gesprochenes Wort – Uta Kutter Stiftung (Stuttgart)
Real München e.V. – Verein für kulturelle Vielfalt (München)
„Pool People“
The Beautiful Minds e.V. (Köln)
„Jeder stirbt für sich allein“
ESCALA e.V. (Potsdam/Oranienburg)
„Unter Nachbarn”
Theater 3D e.V. (Wiesbaden/Rüsselsheim)
„Eine Heldin bin ich nicht“
Die begleitende Pressemitteilung finden Sie hier.
The following institutions were selected with their projects:
Twelve projects were selected from all the submissions to the competition and will be performed in 2024.
The selected pieces deal with current social issues such as democracy education, the culture of remembrance and social interaction. Formats were found that can also reach an audience that is far removed from culture, as many people feel addressed by the unusual locations and the direct action with the audience.
Friends of the Heimathafen Neukölln (Berlin)
"7,000 exercises to forget the end of the world"
Evangelical church district of Göppingen with "Eure Formation" (Göppingen)
"What does "we" mean here?
Time period exit (Mannheim)
"Follow-along opportunities"
Paul (Erfurt)
"Theatr O mat - choose taste"
COMMUNITYartCENTERmannheim (Mannheim)
"The wild boar and the seven aliens"
PHOENIX (Erfurt)
Fringe ensemble (Bonn)
"With my head in the wind and my pockets full of earth"
Friends of the Theater under the Roof (Berlin)
"ANASTASIA - On the trail of ethnic settlers"
Theater neben dem Turm and Friends of the Old Botanical Garden Marburg (Marburg)
Network for revolutionary impatience (Kiel)
"Salon of desire"
LOKSTOFF! (Stuttgart)
asphalt Festival with theater collective Pièrre.Vers (Düsseldorf)
"Black and bright night - time travel"

The following institutions were selected with their projects:
Seven projects were selected from all the submissions to the call for entries and were staged in 2023. The plays deal with socially relevant topics in urban and rural areas. These include the persecution of homosexuals in the Third Reich, the integration of Sinti:zze and Rom:nja, water scarcity in the wake of climate change and coming to terms with German-German history after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The venues ranged from a prefabricated building to a farm to a mausoleum.
LOKSTOFF! (Stuttgart)
"7 Hertz - Vor der Stadt"
International Summer Festival Kampnagel (Hamburg)
Gruppe Nesterval: "Die Namenlosen - Verfolgt in Hamburg"
Freundeskreis Hessisches Landestheater Marburgin cooperation with Anne Decker, Juliane Hendes and Christian Simon as well as the Hessisches Landestheater Marburg
"Aus dem Osten, aus dem Sinn"
Theater in den Bergen (Häg-Ehrsberg Südschwarzwald)
"Wasser?! A dramatic journey to the source of life..."
Freunde der Neuen Musik im Fläming (Dessau)
Nationaltheater Mannheim
in cooperation with the Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Baden-Württemberg
"Nomadische Recherche: Schöne Welt, wo bist du?"
Conditions of Participation
Non-profit institutions based in Germany that are planning theater performances with a focus on "remembrance culture" in public and rural areas are eligible to apply. The prerequisite is that these are spoken theater formats or hybrid formats that deal with language as such.
Insgesamt können bis zu 20.000€ bzw. bis zu 50% der Gesamtproduktionskosten (nur kassenwirksame Kosten) beantragt werden. Weitere Mittel zur gesicherten Projektfinanzierung müssen über Eigenmittel oder Förderungen Dritter erfolgen. Eventuelle Förderer müssen genannt werden.
The premiere may only take place after the announcement of the winners of the respective competition cycle.
Data Privacy
By submitting their application documents, participants agree to the conditions of participation. Legal recourse is excluded.
The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung may show photos from the application process for the "Theater in Public Space" funding line on its website and social media channels and use them for press and public relations work. The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung may use photographs and video recordings on its website or in printed materials. Otherwise, applicants must object in writing to the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung.
Applicants agree to the purpose-related storage and forwarding of personal data and submitted documents as well as the further use of the data in address distribution lists. Further information can be found under: "Duty to provide information in accordance with Article 13 GDPR"
Duty to inform
Enclosed you will find the document "Information obligation pursuant to Article 13 GDPR".