Funding line
Diaconal churches

Diaconal churches make it possible to create central services for the participation and inclusion of people on the margins of society. The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung's "Diaconal Churches" funding line aims to support the opening of the church into the social space and contribute to the consolidation of networks of socio-spatial actors. The funding line is part of the Foundation's Church funding area and forms a bridge to our funding activities in the area of social affairs.

What is a diaconal church?
The idea of the diaconal church is primarily based on the respective church building:
It has a special architectural concept, as the diaconal services are integrated directly into the building.
This means that social counseling, self-help groups, Vesperkirche or lunch tables, medical care and activities for refugees, addicts and homeless people, for example, all have a place in the church building itself.
In this way, the church opens up to its respective socio-spatial environment and becomes a concrete point of contact for people on the margins of society as well as for socio-spatial partners. Last but not least, diaconal churches therefore also provide a link to our support activities in the area of social affairs.

The funding line
Conversions are usually necessary in order to realize social services in existing church buildings:
Social-psychological counseling services, for example, require protected rooms that are separated from the rest of the building. The new premises also need practical equipment, such as a kitchen or hard-wearing floors in the future food serving area.
The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung supports parishes of the Protestant Church in Württemberg on a project-related basis and assists with necessary renovations and purchases. The "Diaconal Churches" funding line is part of the Church funding activities alongside the Historic Organs funding line .

Volunteer structures and networking
It is important to us that diaconal churches network with other local social and charitable institutions in their diaconal work.
This enables joint projects to be set up and synergy effects to be created, which also help to prevent parallel structures from being created.
In doing so, we are also following the idea of our own actions, which link the "Diaconal Churches funding line" with our funding activities in the social sector.
Order of Events
Application Period
Applications are possible at any time. If you are interested, please contact us directly:
Selection Process
An advisory board regularly advises the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung on the selection of suitable projects.
The selected applicants will be notified in writing by the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung following the consultations between the Foundation and the Advisory Board.
The following parishes have so far been supported in the implementation of their diaconal church concept:
Evangelische Stadtkirchengemeinde Calw (receives financial support for the organization of a Vesperkirche, for which a temporary expansion of the pews is necessary)
Evangelische Christuskirche Reutlingen (receives financial support for the conversion of the church building into a diaconal center, in which, among other things, the services of the local diaconal association can be bundled under one roof)
Protestant Leonhardskirche Stuttgart (receives financial support to lay a hard-wearing floor for the Vesperkirche)
Evangelische Lukaskirche Esslingen-Weil (supported with conversion measures for the installation of a kitchenette with adjoining counter in the church and the installation of staff toilets)
Evangelical Methodist Friedenskirche Nagold (receives grant to renovate the parish kitchen for the organization of a Vesperkirche)
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.