Funding activity

In science, we promote applied laser technology with the Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis and the Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis. We also support selected institutions with a focus on future technologies.

Robert Bosch Hospital
The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung supports three internal medicine departments at the Robert Bosch Hospital with their research: The Department of Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine and the Department of General Internal Medicine and Nephrology as well as Cardiology and Angiology. The research results flow directly into everyday clinical practice.
Endowed professorship in the history of the impact of technology
Technology is one of the central factors shaping history. Modern societies cannot be understood in their historical development and functional contexts without a history of technology. The Leibinger Endowed Professorship for the History of the Impact of Technology (WGT), which was established at the Institute of History at the University of Stuttgart in 2011 and has since been made permanent, therefore focuses on the historical background and consequences of technological genesis and technization processes.
The WGT department has an interdisciplinary orientation. Through its integration into the Faculty of Humanities and its focus on technology, it brings together different subject cultures. This gives students from all degree programs the opportunity to think together about pressing social issues.