Fritz Hüttinger

Under the umbrella of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung, the Fritz Hüttinger Stiftung promotes science and research, in particular innovative technologies in the field of electrical energy, as well as fostering community life and civic engagement. The foundation was established by his daughter Gerda Ruf and her husband Fritz Ruf in 2006.

The namesake
Born in 1897, Fritz Hüttinger initially completed an apprenticeship as an electrical engineer. From 1919, he studied electrical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering in Constance.
In 1921, he moved to Freiburg i. Br. and founded a company for electrical appliances. In 1925, he expanded the business into a factory for electromedical devices, where the first diathermy and surgical device was mass-produced the following year.
In 1936, production of the "HÜTTINGER high-vacuum amplifier tube" for electromedical devices began in the company's own glass-blowing shop.
After the buildings were destroyed in an air raid in 1944, reconstruction began in 1946. High-frequency and later medium-frequency generators are manufactured.
After his death in 1963, his wife becomes managing partner.

The founders Gerda and Fritz Ruf
In 2006, Gerda Ruf, Fritz Hüttinger's daughter, and her husband Fritz Ruf decided to set up the Fritz Hüttinger Foundation in memory of her father and father-in-law.
The Fritz Hüttinger Foundation is administered by the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung. Its focus is on research into innovative technology in the field of electrical energy.
In addition, the cultivation of the community and civic engagement are particularly important to her.
Gerda Ruf Prize and Fritz Ruf Prize
The Gerda Ruf Prize and the Fritz Ruf Prize have been awarded at the University of Freiburg since 2024. Both prizes are awarded for special achievements in the field of sustainability engineering at the Faculty of Engineering.
Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Stuttgart-West e.V. (receives process coaching to ensure that the facility, which works in the field of childcare and parent-child education, is well positioned for the future. The coaching is intended to serve as a pilot for similar centers in the future)
Arbeitskreis Leben e.V. Heilbronn (working group for life ) (cares for people in life crises and their relatives and is currently confronted with increasing requests in the area of suicide prevention and aftercare. Therefore, the existing offer needs to be sharpened so that the limited human and financial resources can be brought into better harmony with the existing demand (the needs that emerge are to be clarified through coaching).
FUNKE Tübingen e.V. (supports families with children who have to deal with neurological disorders or developmental delays. Specifically, in an inclusion house, the role change that parents and children generally experience at the transition to adulthood is to be reflected on and tested against the background of the respective characteristics of the young adults, with the aim of enabling them to live independently - as far as practicable. The process coaching serves in particular to clarify roles between FUNKE and the provider of the inclusion house).
DUHA e.V. Mannheim (would like to train its team in a consulting process in which organizational structures and professional training offers in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities and in socio-pedagogical family support are developed)
Jugendfarmverein Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V. (would like to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce the use of personnel in administration with the help of technical solutions and to be able to better plan and manage the use of volunteers)
Release Stuttgart e.V. (has been offering prevention, counseling and help with all addiction and drug issues for 50 years and would now like to establish a café to bridge waiting times for the psychosocial care of substituted clients)
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Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
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Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
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Duha e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
With the association Duha e.V., Verein für soziale Dienste, from Mannheim, a project is being funded that aims to further train specialists in the culturally sensitive care of people with disabilities as well as in socio-educational family assistance. To this end, the team is to be trained in a consultation process in which organizational structures and expert further training courses are to be developed that can also be transferred to other facilities and associations that are planning something similar.
Youth farm association Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V.
Jury statement by juror Jan Sellner:
The jury selected the association Kinder- und Jugendfarm Möhringen-Vaihingen e.V., which emerged from a parents' initiative in 1972, as the award winner because it wants to critically examine its organizational structures and processes in order to reduce staff deployment in administration with the help of technical solutions. In this way, the deployment of volunteers could also be better planned and controlled. The capacities thus freed up are to be used in the pedagogical area and thus benefit the children and young people in care. The process coaching and prize money associated with the award should help with implementation. Ideally, other comparable associations or facilities can also benefit from this example.
Release Stuttgart e.V.
Jury statement by juror Monika Renninger:
For 50 years, Release e.V. Stuttgart has been offering prevention, counseling and help with addiction and drug issues in the area of illegal substances and problematic media consumption, and is constantly facing new challenges. In the psychosocial care of substituted clients of the focal practice, a cafe offer is important to bridge waiting times. BLIZZ supports the development of a sustainable and attractive volunteer concept for the Cafe SUB offer for clients on weekends.
Fritz Ruf prizewinner:
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schiffmacher (dissertation on "New methods for accelerating the validation of the service life of highly reliable power semiconductor modules")
Gerda Ruf prizewinner:
Sebastián Rivero Equiza (Best Master's thesis in the field of Sustainability Engineering on "Quantitative assessment of the resilience of the European electricity grid to compound drought/heat events at the Institute of Sustainable Engineering Systems (INATECH)"
Fritz Hüttinger named professorship
In 2010, the Fritz Hüttinger Foundation concluded a funding agreement with the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg for the Fritz Hüttinger named professorship. In this agreement, the foundation pledged to support a chair at IMTEK for ten years with 100,000 euros per year. A new agreement has been in place since 2020 for a chair at INATECH.
Established in 2020, the Fritz Hüttinger Professorship for Energy-Efficient High-Frequency Electronics at the Institute for Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) focuses on the engineering aspects of the energy efficiency of microelectronic and nanoelectronic building blocks and circuits, especially those based on compound semiconductors. Dr. Rüdiger Quay from the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) of the University of Freiburg and the Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) accepted the offer of the professorship.
Professor Yiannos Manoli's professorship for microelectronics at the Institute of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) was renamed the "Fritz Hüttinger Professorship for Microelectronics" in 2010. Students and doctoral candidates at IMTEK benefited from prizes and scholarships awarded to outstanding young scientists in the fields of electrical engineering and power electronics, as well as funding for internships and excursions.