Website operator
Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH
Hemminger Str. 4
71735 Eberdingen-Hochdorf
Tel: +49 7042-2607004
Responsible for the content
Management: Markus Wener
Stuttgart Local Court HRB 204041
The same information applies to the social media channels operated by Berthold Leibinger GmbH on Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Auf allen Kanälen gelten die Community-Richtlinien der Berthold Leibinger Stiftung, die in der Netiquette hinterlegt sind.
The Internet offer is compiled and kept up-to-date as conscientiously as possible. The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH cannot, however, guarantee that the data is free of errors, accurate or complete and, therefore, assumes no liability for loss or damage of any kind incurred directly or indirectly through the use of the online offer of this website. The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH also declines any liability for website offers of other operators that visitors of this website access through the links embedded here. Liability for such third-party contents rests solely with their owners.
Copyright and Trademark
All texts, pictures, graphics, animation, videos, sounds, and any other contents of this website and their layout are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The afore-mentioned contents may not be duplicated, modified or used in other electronic or printed publications without the prior consent of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks are protected under trademark laws, especially the trademarks, logos, emblems, and nameplates of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung and the Fritz Hüttinger Stiftung as well as of the Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis, the Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis, and the Comic Book Award of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung. Any claims or actions that may arise in connection with this website or its use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, except for the rules of the International Private Law.
Picture credits
Unless otherwise indicated on the image:
Berthold Leibinger: private
Doris Leibinger: private
Homepage: Loop: ©2022, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung produces Menschenbilder TV, Andreas Schlosser
Berthold Leibinger - The Foundation:
- Image Film Berthold Leibinger Stiftung: ©2022, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung produces Menschenbilder TV, Andreas Schlosser
- Employee portraits: Sina Hasenmaile
Berthold Leibinger - The Founder:
- Film: Berthold Leibinger ©2012, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung: produces Menschenbilder TV, Andreas Schlosser
Doris Leibinger Stiftung - The Foundation:
- MobilMitBehinderung_02: Copyright MMB e.V.
- Tactile arithmetic-021: Foundation deafblind living
- Nikolauspflege
- Image Film Doris Leibinger Stiftung: ©2022, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung produces Menschenbilder TV, Andreas Schlosser
Fritz Hüttinger Foundation:
- Dr_Fritz_Ruf_Gerda_Ruf_Rüdiger_Quay_vlnr_ Fritz_Huettinger_Professorship_at_INATECH_UniFreiburg-Sandra Meyndt
Support activities Social:
- NO SPACE- Homeless in times of COVID 19, Deborah Ruppert
- Painting House Arche, resident N.N. House Ark
- eva Evangelical Society Stuttgart e.V./Martin Stollberg
- (Much more than just hot food) Portrait Armbruster: eva Evangelische Gesellschaft Stuttgart e.V./Martin Stollberg
- Off Road Kids Foundation
Promotional Activities Culture:
- Podium Esslingen, Neda Navaee
- Public domain
- Locomotive Material
- Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Oliver Röckle
- Internationale Hugo-Wolf-Akademie
- Visualization Exilmuseum Berlin, © Dorte Mandrup, MIR
- Jerusalem Foundation: Drawing: Jerusalem Foundation
- A letter by Max Kafka , DLA Marbach
- Rilke Estate, DLA Marbach
- Against oblivion ANDRZEJ KORCZAK-BRANECKI [prio] - Luigi Toscano
- Collegiate Music Stuttgart, Irina Sander
- Rahel Straus, Rahel Straus Prize 2020_21: Birgit Kipfer
- Bertrall Ross: Annette Hornischer/ American Academy in Berlin
- FUN Photographer Sylwester Pawliczek, MACHMA MACHMA
Support Activities Church:
- Painting castle church, Irina Sander
- Vesper Church Stuttgart, Monika Johna
- Stiftskirche organ, Stiftskirche Stuttgart, Holder
- Stiftskirche organ, Stiftskirche Stuttgart, Irina Sander
Prices and tenders - Historical organs
- Organ pipes, Sonja Filitz
- Stiftskirche organ, Stiftskirche Stuttgart, Holder
- Stiftskirche organ, Stiftskirche Stuttgart, Irina Sander
Organ photos
- Aixheim Church & Organ, Susanne Bosch
- Heidenheim Bornefeld organ, Frank Bendler
- Heidenheim Christ Church, Frank Bendler
- Ludwigsburg Friedenskirche & Organ, Preserve Walcker Organ/Andreas Becker
- Mössingen church, Joachim Rieger
- Mössingen organ, Joachim Klingner photography
- Stuttgart-West Organ & Pauluskirche, without naming [according to Dr. Held].
Prizes and tenders - BLIZZ:
- Jury group photo: Sina Hasenmaile
- Signets, Berthold Leibinger Foundation
Prizes and Calls for Entries - Comic Book Prize: Excerpts of Artists' Works Approved
- Jury group photo: Sina Hasenmaile
Awards and tenders - Theater im öffentlichen Raum:
- Locomotive Material
- HEXAGRAM creative David Göz
- Jan Bosch
- Alex wish
Prizes and tenders - BLIP:
- Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize/Future Prize: Udo Loster; Maximilian Schlosser
- ©2022, Berthold Leibinger Stiftung produces Menschenbilder TV, Andreas Schlosser
- istock | sommersby
Header picture Hochdorf Castle
Photographer: Tobias Funk
Concept and design: October Kommunikationsdesign
Technical implementation: digitise